Updated 15 November 2022

1 Name and Objects

1.1 The Club shall be called "The Edinburgh Road Club"

1.2 The object of the club shall be to provide competitive, recreational, and social activities for members in connection with cycling and other related sport.

2 Subscriptions

2.1 The annual subscriptions will be decided at the Annual General Meeting each year.

2.2 The annual subscription shall be payable on a rolling calendar basis from the date you join the Club.

2.3 The committee reserve the right to approve all new applications for membership. Any applicant whose application is rejected must be provided with a justifiable reason and given the opportunity to appeal that decision.

3 Club Committee and Management

3.1 The Management of the club shall be vested in a main committee which shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer, and the convenors of such sub-committees as shall be established under Section 10.

3.2 Subject to the provisions of Section 9 these Officials and members shall be elected at the AGM.

3.3 Any Committee member wishing to resign shall give notice in writing to the General Secretary.

3.4 The Club shall affiliate as a Club to Cycling UK, Scottish Cycling, Cycling Time Trials, Triathlon Scotland, and Road Records Association

4 Membership

4.1 Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, political or other opinion.

4.2 There shall be the following categories of membership:

  • Full Members
  • Honorary Members

4.3 Honorary Members are those who are considered to have rendered special service to the Club as decided by a General Meeting of the Club.

5 Voting Rights

5.1 All Full and Honorary Members shall be entitled to vote at the AGM and any Special General Meetings. Voting shall be by simple majority of those present except for additions or amendments to the Constitution where a 2/3 majority of those present shall be required.

6 Annual General Meeting

6.1 The AGM of the Club will be held in November.

6.2 The General Secretary must give one calendar month notice to members of the date of the AGM.

6.3 The AGM shall transact the following business:

  • Receive the reports of the Club officials.
  • Receive the Treasurer's report and approve the Accounts.
  • Elect officials, conveners and sub-committee members.
  • Determine the rate and term of Annual Subscriptions.
  • Appoint an Auditor.
  • Consider where necessary any other competent business.
  • Elect delegates to organisations to which the Club is affiliated.

6.4 Any proposed alterations and/or additions to the rules shall be given in writing to the General Secretary 21 days prior to the date of the AGM.

6.5 An agenda giving a complete list of the proposed alterations and/or additions to the rules shall be available seven days prior to the date of the AGM.

7 Finance

7.1 The financial year of the club shall run from October to September.

7.2 All monies of the Club shall be banked in the name of the Club. Signatories to the Club bank account(s) shall include the Treasurer and two other members of the Club Committee.

7.3 The Club Committee shall allocate budgets to pursue the Club’s activities for each financial year. Management of each budget shall be the responsibility of the Budget Holder.

7.4 Payments within the budget shall be authorised by the Budget Holder and the Treasurer subject to any caps in value for individual transactions as agreed by the Club Committee when setting the budget. Payments exceeding these caps must be authorised by at least two members of the Club Committee in addition to the Treasurer.

7.5 Payments outside the allocated budgets must be authorised by at least two members of the Club Committee in addition to the Treasurer.

8 Meetings

8.1 The Chairperson will give notice in writing of Committee Meetings seven days in advance.

8.2 Five committee members shall form a quorum at any meetings of the committee.

8.3 The Chairperson will have a casting vote.

8.4 Any member seeking to present a proposal, issue, or concern at a committee meeting shall submit the matter in writing to the General Secretary along with a request to present the matter at the next committee meeting. The General Secretary shall arrange for the member to attend the meeting allowing time for presentation and discussion. The member may bring one additional member to the meeting as witness. Depending upon the nature of the proposal, issue or concern the committee may take decisions; agree actions; or undertake further review, the outcome of which will be communicated in writing to the member and witness by the General Secretary. Any further request by the member to re-present the proposal, issue or concern at a subsequent committee meeting shall be entirely at the discretion of the committee except where a Special General Meeting is called in accordance with Clause 8.5.

8.5 The Committee may call a Special General Meeting on any point of interest or on being called to do so by a motion signed by four members accompanied by a fee of £12.00 which will be returned if the motion is carried. The General Secretary shall give one calendar month notice to all members of the date and purpose of any Special General Meeting. An agenda detailing the issue(s) or proposed alterations to club policies or rules shall be available seven days prior to the date of the Special General Meeting. Voting shall be in accordance with Clause 5.

9 Co-option

9.1 The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies in its number should they occur, or to co-opt members on to the Committee.

10 Sub-committees

10.1 The Committee shall have power to set up subcommittees to consider any matter(s) relating to the Club's business, as it considers fit.

10.2 The convenor of any sub-committee shall be a member of the club committee.

10.3 Recommendations or decisions made by any sub-committee must be ratified by the Club Committee before they become competent.

11 Prize-giving

11.1 All prizes and trophies shall be presented at the Annual Dinner or other Club function decided by the Committee.

12 Discipline

12.1 The Committee is empowered to discipline any member whom it considers has (1) failed to observe the rules of the Club or other bodies to which it affiliates or (2) acted in a manner detrimental to the Club, the sport or the controlling bodies; by: (a) a written warning, or (b) temporary suspension from membership of the club or (c) expulsion from the Club. A hearing shall be called by the Committee to which the said member shall be invited.

12.2 Any membership application that is refused or any member who is expelled will have a right of appeal to a disciplinary panel comprised of three club members appointed at the club AGM and will have the right to bring a representative.

13 Club Levy

13.1 In the event of the Club having insufficient funds to meet its debts a special General Meeting shall be called to fix a levy upon its members. Such levy shall be fixed and borne, pro rata.

14 Limit of Committee Power

14. The Committee shall neither indulge in or attempt anything of a hazardous nature which may affect or endanger the Club financially, nor shall they contribute any portion of the funds to any organisation or individual unless such contribution is for the benefit of the sport or is sanctioned by the objects of the club.

15 Power to Incur Expenditure

15.1 All matters involving financial implications except the normal day to day running of the Club by the Treasurer must have prior approval of the Committee.

16 Matters not covered by the Constitution and Rules

16.1 The Committee shall have the power to act in any way concerning any matter for which the Constitution and Rules do not make any provision.

17 Dissolution

17.1 If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the club there remains, after the satisfaction of all the club's debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects (i.e. aims and activities) similar to the objects of the club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the club by resolution passed at a general meeting at or before the time of dissolution, and, in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable objects.

* * * End of Document * * *