2022 Midweek TT Series - Schedule Update

8 July 2022

For what it's worth, it might not be worth the spreadsheet it's typed on, here is the update schedule
13th July is dependent on the Gladsmuir roadworks finishing on time. They run time is to Tuesday so there's a chance Weds 13th will be cancelled. I'll communicate this Weds AM.

Date Course Meet
13-Jul 10M Left Turny Gladsmuir
20-Jul 10M Roundabout Gladsmuir
27-Jul 10M Left Turny Gladsmuir
03-Aug 10M Roundabout Gladsmuir
10-Aug 10M TT Left Turny Gladsmuir
17-Aug Yak HC TT Haddington
24-Aug 10M TT Left Turny Gladsmuir
31-Aug Yak HC Haddington