ERC 15.5 Mile Time Trial
3 September 2020
This will be a 15.5-mile individual time trial using the 10 mile weekly club course along the A199 on the 27th of September. Riders will depart from the roundabout at Steading View at the east edge of Tranent. Riding eastward through Macmerry to the A199/A1 twin roundabouts at the west edge of Haddington and making the turn through both roundabouts. Riders will return westward approximately half of the course length to the A199/B6363 roundabout making a complete 180 degree turn through the roundabout to ride eastward again to the A199/A1 twin roundabouts. Making the turn a second time through both roundabouts riders will return towards Tranent crossing the finish line approximately 500 metres before reaching the starting roundabout at Steading View. This is a Cycling Time Trial (CTT) event open to riders from CTT affiliated clubs. There will be no facilities so riders must show up ready to ride and maintain social distancing at all times. Registration will begin at 7:30 at the Steading View roundabout EH33. Registration via CTT website and additional details can be found here