Return to Sport Grant
6 May 2021
ERC's application for a return to sport grant has been successful.
Photo: © This could be yours
The City of Edinburgh Council Grant Award 2020/21 was designed to help clubs return to activity following the winter lockdown. Along with many other organisations, the lack of continuity has impacted on ERC's delivery of sport provision. Activities in the adult and youth sections had to be stopped. The problems on restarting have been anticipated by the Council.
The club applied to the fund to support Go-Ride coach training in the youth section. The popularity and profile of cycling was raised during lockdown with a consequential increase in our waiting list. Our ability to invite new members has been hampered by the shortage of adequately trained coaches. In normal times the coaching pool has to be constantly refreshed. Furthermore in lockdown our pipeline of qualified volunteers has been blocked and income has been cut to zero by the lack of participant subscriptions. The £500 will cover not only the cost of the British Cycling Level 1 coach training but also the necessary first aid instruction required to be a qualified coach.
If you are interested in becoming a coach and developing the next generation of cyclists, then contact our coaching coordinator via We are particularly interested in increasing the number of women in our coaching team which would provide role models for girls' participation.

(Coach Ross leads the pre-session bike check)