Third Go-Ride Venue Opens
17 October 2019
Photo: © Paul Watt
On Saturday 9th November ERC will be starting a new Go-Ride venue in the east side of Edinburgh at Queen Margaret University's campus, EH21 6UU. It will build on the success of the two existing venues at Drumbrae (North) and Inch Park (South). The Saturday sessions run from 14:00 - 15:30 during the winter and will switch to the evening over the summertime.
Initially we will take 6-8 year olds and expect to cater for older riders later. Both current locations took a few years to become self-sustaining so we hope we can quickly get support of new volunteers to make a success of this new venture. Already we have interest from young riders and a volunteer, but we always need more to allow continuity.
To book your free trial sign-up here: or to find out more information about the Edinburgh RC Youth section look here:
This initiative is being driven by our Sportscotland funded development officer Simon Fagan.