ERC 2021 Midweek TT Series

21 May 2021

Your neighbourhood friendly TT series is back, back with that Toby Maguire swagger from Spiderman 3. If that 2007 superhero movie reference passed you by, YouTube it.

ERC Members, non-members, road bikes, road bike, serious racers, social riders, TT bikes and TT bikes that cost the equivalent of the GDP of a small Pacific island – all are welcome.

In prior years we have just ran a 10M TT series. This year, well, it was meant to be last year, but we all know what happened there. Curse you highly infectious virus! We are running a mixed series of the standard usual 10M Tranent TT alongside 2 other course variants. A shorter 5M TT and a longer 15M TT. As well as this, there will also be a Yak HC TT too.

Please volunteer throughout the series too. You get all the points for it plus you’ll make me (and yourself) feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

There are a few other changes too; for now, due to the level system, we can’t have a HQ therefore sign up & payment is all done online. There’ll be no refunds for withdrawals, but we can defer entry to a later week. Entry is still £4. No Loch Centre for now. Just roll up to the roundabout and wait your turn. You'll be assigned a start number but without a physical start number (for now) - we know most of you, so either shout your name or number when you cross the line. For the Yak HC in August/September, the plan currently will be per the Tranent courses & arrive at the start and 'GO'.

Within love admin the series will appear under 'classes' which you access via ‘payments’ – if you’re doing this on your mobile phone, flick your browser to desktop view if you’re not seeing this section. Get yourselves signed up to loveadmin. The link is below; non-members please just select 'Midweek TT Series Registration (for non-ERC members only)' from the drop-down.

There will be a separate post about the rules and schedule (linked below)

2021 TT Series Schedule

2021 TT Series Rules

2021 Volunteer Rota

LoveAdmin Sign Up

CTT Parental Consent Form

See you there
